Monday, December 13, 2010

What a long, strange trip it's been.

I tend to think in songs, so thank you Grateful Dead.  I've learned alot in the last 90 days.  Embrace the veggies, adore the fruits, think *truly think* about my food.  I've learned that I truly detest exercising in the cold, but love that my daughter often does this stuff with me.  I also love that she loves apples, grapes, clementines, and black-eyed peas.  My lower body is still kicking my upper body's booty (except the upper body doesn't have a booty).

I am deeply pleased to say that I fit nicely into a dress I wore to the opera when Ian and I were dating.  I am also pleased to say that to wear my pants without flashing unsuspecting bystanders, I must wear a belt.  I am displeased to say that I need a new wardrobe.  I loathe shopping.  My skin looks like it did when I turned 20 (which is to say, smooth and soft).  My teeth are whiter without the juice and Coke.

Coke is nasty, by the way.  Water is the bomb-diggity, yo.

To be honest, I can't say that I'll miss the whole of the PCP.  I'm happy to have my life back into a place where there is more flexibility and less pressure (I'm staring at you endless cooking, weighing, and packing).  But I can honestly say that I like the me that made it through.  I like how I look, I like how I feel.  I like that I have a top ten list of favorite varieties of apples and that really I'd rather have one of them than chocolate any time.  I love that there is a group of people scattered across the world who I share a unique bond with because of this experience.  I'll miss that.  I'll really, really miss that.

I have to cut this short because I'm falling asleep on the keyboard.  I don't know exactly when there will be pictures, but there will be pictures.  And a killer, black, floor-length opera dress will be among them

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Ease on down, ease on down the road!

Sorry for the late 80's throw-back (The Wiz was an awesome movie), but it seemed appropriate.  We're winding down now.  I keep on keeping on.  I'm happy to have a "real" dinner back.  Egg whites are great, but they get a little boring after a month don't you think?  My sauteed shrimp was extra tasty tonight!

Discovered to my delight that Olive loves black eyed peas.  A vegetable beyond carrots that she enjoys.  It's a Christmas miracle.  Maybe seeing mommy and daddy chomping down on all this good stuff is finally opening her mind to them.

I know it has been expressed by many in our group already, but it bears mentioning - jumproping in the cold is teh suck!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Had it out with my hubby this past Sunday.  We both vented and felt better (love him).  So I did my exercises yesterday.  And I did them today.  And I'm going to do them til it's done.  I've lost muscles in my arms (not surprising as they are always the weakest aspect), but my abs and legs are still doing well.  Took pics last night.  Going to go take a shower and enjoy my fruit.

Thursday, November 18, 2010


I had it in my mind that it would be easier once Ian got home.  It is in a way.  I missed him SOOO much.  I love being able to talk to him face-to-face (hugs and smooches are pretty nice, too).  That has been fantastic.

Except I'm stalled in PCP.  I lack motivation in the exercises and am pretty much uninterested in eating at all.  Head cold isn't helping, but it's deeper than that.

I started this project to re-align my eating habits and get back into a regular exercise routine.  My goal was to lose 20 pounds.  I've done that.  And now I'm stalled.  It's so hard to rev myself up.  I'm working on it, but man, it's tough.

Monday, November 8, 2010

I'm not dead yet.

I'm here.  I'm alive.  I'm trying to thrive.  My oven broke (actually, brand new but didn't work).  The first handyman dispatched was in Chattanooga (we live in Nashville).  The second handyman found faulty wiring (my brother came up and fixed it).  My last set of contacts ripped (got an eye appt and some new glasses, too).  My headlight burned out (fixed it while I was at the eye appt).  My mom came up to help out.  She set off the burglar alarm by accident.

But the biggie is my nephew.  My nephew is sick.  He's only 18 months old.  He has hydrocephalus.  They referred him to a specialist here in Nashville.  None of the rest of it matters in comparison to that.

I miss my husband.  I miss "talking" to you guys.  I'm trying to keep it PCP around here, but it hasn't been easy.  My workouts have been suffering.  The diet was tough with the oven out, but I expect to be back on track now.  Breathe, breathe, breathe.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Commence with the stressing.

Ian left for Japan this morning.  I'm a single mom for somewhere between 2-3 weeks.  I did today's exercises, but I'm pooped.  Looking forward to an indulgence, but my tummy is already unsettled so I'm not sure if it's a good idea.  My blogging is likely to be short, but I'm here and hanging on as tight as I can.

Go Team Cookie Monster!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The nicest thing.

As I was walking through the main OR corridor the other day, one of the anesthesiologists stopped me and said, "Are you a dancer, by any chance?"  I giggled (couldn't help it) and replied, "No, I'm one of the clumsiest people you will ever meet.  Why do you ask?"  She then told me I had excellent posture and tone.

Blush. ^o^